Belize is a relatively small country, but its unique geology and limestone foundation means that there are vast networks of interesting caves to explore, including […]
Belize Travel Guide
Your guide to things to do in Belize, places to see, where to stay, food to eat, wildlife, and more.
Belize Tours: Adventure, Luxury, Small Group Travel
Belize is a small country in Central America that is renowned for its beautiful nature and exotic wildlife. Recently included on Fodor’s Go list for […]
Belize Shuttle Services with Untame Belize
Belize Shuttle Services Untame Belize specializes in providing transportation services for visitors so that they can comfortably, reliably, and affordably reach any destination in the […]
How and Why our Country Got Named Belize
From Balix to Belize: What’s in a name? Belize’s name, like much about the country, is unique and original. But histories differ on exactly where […]